Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why Santa Isn't Welcome In Our House

Over the years, we have chosen not to include Santa Claus in our Christmas stories and decorations. There are several reasons.
First, fairy tales are fun and we enjoy them, but we don’t ask our children to believe them.
Santa has  some God- like characteristics
     He’s omniscient—he sees everything you do.
        He rewards you if you’re good.
        He’s omnipresent—at least, he can be everywhere in
        one night.
        He gives you good gifts.
        He’s the most famous “old man in the sky” figure.

These are characteristics reserved only for God. 

For example, does Santa really care if we’re bad or good? Think of the most awful kid you can remember. Did he or she ever not get gifts from Santa?
What about Santa’s spying and then rewarding you if you’re good enough? That’s not the way God operates. He gave us his gift—his Son—even though we weren’t good at all. “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). He gave his gift to us to make us good, not because we had proved ourselves good enough.
Helping our children understand God as much as they’re able at whatever age they are is our primary goal. But we’ve also seen some other encouraging effects of not including Santa in our celebration.

            We want our kids to know where presents come

Our gifts are already under the tree. Our kids know that we bought them, we wrapped them, and we can’t wait to give them to them! They understand that those gifts cost money out of our pockets. It’s not that I want to hold over their heads the financial sacrifices that come with giving gifts to them, but I do want them to be grateful, both to us as their parents, and to God who provides us with jobs so we can have money to buy gifts.
Second, I think most children know their family’s usual giving patterns for birthday and special events. They tend to have an instinct about their family’s typical spending levels and abilities. Knowing that their Christmas gifts come from the people they love, rather than from a bottomless sack, can help diminish the “I-want-this, give-me-that” syndrome.
And finally, when children know that God’s generosity is reflected by God’s people, it tends to encourage a sense of responsibility about helping make Christmas good for others.

       Because of the baby in the manger.  

The most important reason not to include Santa in our Christmas is because it isn’t about him. It’s about Immanuel—God with us! I know there are many other good things that creep into our holiday celebrations such as time with family, good food, and gifts, let anything to from the wonder of the King who came to earth to die for their sins. What about you? What will you do to keep your family focused on Jesus this Christmas?

Friday, December 2, 2011

A wife of noble character who can find?

I thought we would take a look at the Proverbs 31 woman, verse by verse starting at verse 10.

    • Proverbs 31:10--. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubiesThis woman is the wife of an elder in the city. She has a good reputation herself, bringing a good reputation to her family. She keeps her husband in mind for good things, and will not cause him problems.

       A virtuous woman is a woman of strength, who has the power of her own strength and knows how to manage other people, one that is spiritual and productive, and a help meet for a man. . Her price is far above rubies, and all the rich ornaments with which vain women adorn themselves. The more extraordinary such good wives are the more they are to be valued.

      Those that are fine really will be excellent comparatively. A good woman, if she be brought into the marriage state, will be a good wife, and make it her business to please her husband, 1 Co. 7:34 . Though she is a woman of strength herself,  her desire is to her husband, to know his mind that she may adjust herself to it, and she is willing that she will be submissive to him.   She conducts herself so that he may put his entire confidence in her. He trusts in her loyalty, which she never gave him the any occasion to suspect or to entertain any jealousy of; she is not gloomy and reserved, but modest and serious, and has all the marks of virtue in her expression and behavior; her husband knows it, and therefore his heart doth safely trust in her. He trusts in her conduct, that she will speak in all companies, and act in all affairs, with prudence and discretion, so as not to cause him either damage or reproach. He trusts in her loyalty to his interests, and that she will never be disloyal to his counsels nor have any interest separate from that of his family.  She is a good wife that is fit to be trusted, and he is a good husband that will leave it to such a wife to manage for him.  He thinks himself so happy in her that he does not envy those who have most of the wealth of this world, he does not need it, and he has enough, having such a wife. Happy is the couple that has such a satisfaction as this in each other!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Characteristics of a Meek and Quiet Spirit

Characteristics of a Meek and Quiet Spirit

Meekness is calm confidence, settled assurance, and rest of the soul. It is the tranquil stillness of a heart that is at rest in Christ. It is the place of peace. Meekness springs from a heart of humility, radiating the fragrance of Christ.

The meek will be at rest in the storms of life …
(Matthew 11:28–30; Psalm 37:7; Hebrews 4:1–11)
The fretful will be fearful in the storms of life …
(Mark 4:35–41; Jeremiah 50:6)

The meek will react to circumstances with peaceful trust …
(Isaiah 26:3–4)
The fretful will attempt to manipulate individuals or circumstances …
(James 4:1–3; Proverbs 7:21)

The meek will make life choices based on Scriptural principles …
(Psalm 119:105)
The fretful will make life choices based on emotions or fleeting passions of the moment …
(James 3:13–18; Proverbs 19:16)

The meek woman’s confidence is in the security of the truths of Scripture and the faithfulness of God …
(Proverbs 3:26, 14:26; Psalm 119:165; Jeremiah 17:7–8)
The fretful woman’s trust is in her own abilities and power to control others and details …
(Proverbs 12:15, 14:12, 16:25; Jeremiah 18:12)

“Meekness is the silent submission of the soul to the 'providence' of God concerning us.”
—Matthew Henry

The meek woman finds her worth and value in knowing who she is in Christ …
(Ephesians 1:3–8)
The fretful woman finds her worth and value in her own accomplishments and what others think of her …
(Psalm 49:11–20; Proverbs 11:28, 16:18–19, 29:25)

The meek woman finds her strength of character in Christ …
(Ephesians 5:8–11)
The fretful woman finds her strength of character in her own personality traits …
(Proverbs 28:26)

Meekness restrains the stormy tempest of our emotions and passions by commanding them“peace be still” …
(Proverbs 16:32)
Fretting fuels the stormy tempest by venting passions and emotions …
(Psalm 37:8; Proverbs 14:29–30, 29:11, 22)

Meekness is the strength and courage to battle and overcome our own sinful anger and passions, by holding fast to peace—through trusting in the providence of Almighty God …
(Romans 12:18–19; Colossians 3:1–17; 1 Peter 4:19)
The fretful woman is too fearful and weak to trust God,but allows her sinful emotions and passions to rule …
(Proverbs 28:25)

“The work and office of meekness is to enable us to govern our own anger when at anytime we are provoked, and patiently bear out the anger of others that it may not be a provocation to us.”
—Matthew Henry

Meekness is constancy and steady composure in spirit and frame of mind, reflecting the consistent stability of our Lord, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
(Psalm 102:25–27; Ephesians 4:13–15; 1 Peter 3:13–16; Hebrews 13:8)
The fretful woman is always on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, continually up and down …the only thing consistent about her is that you never know what mood to expect.
(Proverbs 21:9, 19, 25:24)

Meekness does not allow the mind to run away with vain imaginations and to dwell on thoughts which inflame volatile emotions and passions …
(2 Corinthians 10:3–5; Philippians 4:8–9)
The rash woman is filled with suspicions, doubts, and assumptions based entirely on emotion, and allows these imaginations to determine the course of action …
(3 John 9–10)

The meek woman does not avoid or run from controversy, but walks through necessary confrontations under the control of the Holy Spirit …
(Galatians 6:1–2; Proverbs 27:5)
The rash woman enters controversy hastily and recklessly …
(Proverbs 10:19, 13:3, 14:16–17, 29:20)

The meek woman is at peace because she is master over her passions …
(Proverbs 17:27, 25:28, 29:11)
The rash woman is fretful because she is mastered by her passions …
(Psalm 37:1–8; Romans 6:16; James 1:14–17)

“It is better by silence to yield to our brother, who is, or has been, or may be, our friend, than by angry speaking to yield to the devil, who has been, and is, and ever will be , our sworn enemy.”
—Matthew Henry

The meek woman speaks truth in love, the law of kindness is on her lips …
(Proverbs 31:26, 16:24; Ephesians 4:1–2, 29)
The rash woman speaks harshly, and is not truly concerned for the listener’s feelings …
(Proverbs 12:18, 16:27; James 3:6–12)

The meek woman patiently waits to hear the whole matter before reacting …
(Proverbs 15:28)
The rash woman reacts emotionally before giving time to pause and consider …
(Proverbs 15:18, 18:13)

The meek woman is not unemotional, but her emotions are ruled by the Spirit of God …
(Proverbs 14:30, 31:25; Galatians 5:22–26; Philippians 4:4–7)
The fretful woman is ruled by circumstances, emotions, and passions …
(Proverbs 29:22; Psalm 37:1–8)

“To study the art of quietness is to take pains with ourselves, to work upon our own hearts the principles, rules, and laws of meekness; and to furnish ourselves with such considerations as tend to the quieting of the spirit in the midst of the greatest provocations.”
—Matthew Henry

The meek woman does not entertain suspicions or assume the worst concerning others—but reacts based on first-hand knowledge …
(Proverbs 18:13, 17)
The rash woman imagines and assumes the worst, then she reacts accordingly …
(1 Timothy 4:7, 5:13)

The meek woman is not easily offended …
(Proverbs 19:11; Romans 14:19, 1 Corinthians 13:4–7)
The fretful woman is easily offended …
(Romans 12:3, 16)

The meek woman forgives quickly …
(Matthew 5:23–25; Ephesians 4:26–27, 31–32)
The fretful woman holds onto offenses and hurts, becoming bitter …
(Hebrews 12:14–15)

Meekness demonstrates gracious restraint. It responds to accusations or criticism with restraint rooted in humility, by recognizing that without God’s grace, I am capable of far worse than what I am being accused.
(1 Peter 3:8–9)
Rashness seeks vengeance. It responds to accusations or criticism with the wrath of a haughty heart.
(Romans 12:14–19)

“If God should be as angry with me for every provocation as I am with those about me, what would become of me?”
—Matthew Henry

The meek woman is still and knows that He is God; therefore she trusts in Him and is at peace …
(Psalm 46:10; Proverbs 18:10, 30:5)
The fretful woman runs through life at a frantic pace, not stopping long enough to sit still and listen to the Master’s voice …
(Luke 10:38–42)

“It is 'in the sight of God of great price.' It is really a precious grace, for it is so in the sight of God … Herein we should every one labor and this we should be ambitious of, as of the greatest honor … it is a thing attainable through the Mediator from whom we have received instruction how to walk so as to please him. We must walk with meekness and quietness of spirit, for this is 'in the sight of God of great price.' Therefore this mark of honor is, in a special measure, put upon the grace of meekness, because it is commonly despised and looked upon with contempt by the children of the world … meekness and quietness of spirit is a very excellent grace which we should every one of us put on and be adorned with.”
— Matthew Henry  
© Revive Our Hearts. Written by Kimberly Wagner. Used with

Becoming a Woman of Virtue

Becoming a Woman of Virtue

By Nancy Leigh DeMoss
“Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands” (Prov. 14:1).
1. Am I building up my house or tearing it down?
2. Am I investing in my marriage? Am I nurturing the heart of my marriage?
3. Do I frequently express admiration and gratitude to my husband?
4. Am I reserving the best of my physical and emotional energy for my family?
5. Am I creating a climate (through words, actions, and attitudes) that makes my husband want to be at home?
6. Am I content to be “at home”? Am I finding my “fulfillment” through reverencing and serving my husband and family?
7. Do I reserve intimate communication, looks, words, and touch for my husband? Am I giving of my emotions, attention, affection to a man other than my husband?
8. Am I meeting my husband’s sexual needs?
9. Am I trustworthy? Is there any behavior or relationship I am involved in that I am keeping from my husband? Have I been totally honest with my husband?
10. Does my husband have the freedom to be totally honest with me?
11. Am I fueling sensual thoughts and desires through books, magazines, TV programs, music, or movies that are not morally pure?
12. Have I become a “refuge” for a man who may be struggling in his marriage?
13. Am I looking to a man other than my husband (pastor, counselor, colleague) to be a primary source of counsel or to fill an emotional vacuum in my life?
14. Do I have a more intimate relationshipphysically, emotionally, or spirituallywith any man than I do with my husband?
15. Does my demeanor tend to be “loud and defiant,” or do I communicate a meek, quiet, and submissive spirit?
16. Am I a “wall” or a “door” (Song of Songs 8:12)? Am I a “loose” woman? Do I communicate to the men around me that I am “available”? Does my demeanor invite them to “partake” of intimate parts of my body, soul, or spirit? Do I engage in flirtatious speech, looks, or behavior?
17. Is there anything about my speech, actions, dress, or attitudes that could defraud the men around me?
18. Am I discreet and restrained in the way I talk with men at work? Is my conversation ever loose, crude, or unbecoming for a woman of God? Am I expressing admiration for a man that should more appropriately come from his wife?
19. Does my dress help men to keep their thoughts pure and Christ-centered? Is my dress feminine and modest?
20. Have I erected (and am I maintaining) adequate “hedges” in my relationships with men? What are those hedges?
21. Am I currently in a situation that is (or could become) compromising? Am I in a situation that could appear to others to be compromising?
22. Would my husband, as well as other men and women who know me, say that I am a woman of moral virtue and purity?
23. Have I purposed in my heart to be morally pure? Am I making myself accountable to my husband and to another godly woman for my walk with God and others?
“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies” (Prov. 31:10).
© Revive Our Hearts. Taken from Becoming a Woman of Discretion by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Should Christian Women Wear Head Coverings Today?

God is a God of order. The sun, moon, and stars move in perfect, predictable patterns. Plants and animals grow and reproduce according to the plan of the Master Designer. The human body is a marvelous display of how God places every member to function in harmony with the others.
God also planned for order in the human family. "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God" (l Corinthians 11:3). Disorder and frustration will always result when man tries to improve on God's order.
First Corinthians 11 teaches the order of headship. It also commands us to symbolize this divine order by keeping man's head uncovered and by veiling woman's head. It is a mark of submission to God's order when we humbly obey Him, although we may not fully understand why.
God's Order of Headship
"The head of Christ is God." To better understand the relationship between man and woman, consider the relation between God and Christ. Jesus said in John 10:30, "I and my Father are one"--one in thought, work, and purpose.
"Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works" (John 14:10). Jesus is the vessel through whom the Father works. Because He is submissive to the Father, we get a beautiful glimpse of the cooperation and partnership in the Godhead.
Jesus further said, "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.... I do always those things that please him" (John 6:38; 8:29). "My Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). We plainly see the Father's leadership. There is oneness and a working together, but a mutual agreement that the Father will lead. Christ is under God's authority, doing His Father's will.
One who is under authority submits to the will of the leader. Unity in thought, purpose, and work is achieved only as one leads out and the other submits to his leading. Together, as one, they work in cooperation, doing what is now the will of both. That is not conflict; it is the God-designed way to relate.
If there needs to be order in the Godhead, how much more so in our relations on earth. God, in His wisdom, knew that one would need to lead and the other submit, to work in cooperation. Any deviation from that will not work. Man has tried to improve on God's order, but the result has been catastrophic.
"The head of every man is Christ." "Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2: 11). "And he [Christ] is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence" (Colossians 1: 18). Christ is Lord; He is the Head of the body-the church, which consists of men and women.
"The head of the woman is the man." "For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man" (1 Corinthians 11 :8,9). God created woman from man and for man.
Even as the church is subject to Christ, so must the wife be subject to her husband. Her submission brings honor and glory to her husband, even as the church brings honor and glory to Christ (Ephesians 5:22-24).
The divine order of headship does not only apply to the home. In 1 Corinthians 11, the focus is on man and woman, not husband and wife. God's plan is for woman to be under the authority of man in the church, home, and society.
This is an order of headship, not importance--of government, not superiority. God's order is for the smooth function of the human race. Paul does not suggest that women are inferior; he simply teaches the order of government. Just as there is order in the Godhead, so there is order in the human family.
Man and woman complement each other (1 Corinthians 11:11, 12). Woman is of the man, but man is also by the woman. Without man, woman would not be, but without woman, man would not be either. Neither is inferior. They are both equally important in their roles.
Man and woman are equal in salvation. Woman's salvation does not depend on man. "There is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). God's grace and mercy are equally accessible by both, but God's grace does not do away with the order of headship. When a woman becomes a child of God, she will earnestly seek to find her place in God's order. A woman's salvation does depend on her obedience to the divine order of headship.
To put this in perspective, the order is God > Christ > man > woman. God the Father is the head. Christ is under the Father's headship and is submitted to His will. Man is under Christ. As man finds his place under Christ, he submits to God through Christ. Woman is under man. A woman in her place submits to man > Christ > God. Woman, by submitting to man, who is submitted to Christ, who is submitted to God, submits to all three. God's order of headship is very beautiful when it is properly understood and practiced.
Symbols of God's Order
God has given symbols of submission to the headship order for both man and woman. Man's symbol is short, cut hair and an uncovered head, whereas woman's symbol is long, uncut hair and a covered head. These are simple, practical reminders of our place in God's order.
Man uncovered, with short hair. "Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head" (1 Corinthians 11:4, 14). Praying and prophesying are spiritual exercises, a part of our worship to God. A man who worships God with his head covered dishonors his Head. What head? Christ > God.
Man is not to cover his head, for "he is the image and glory of God." "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" (Genesis 1:26). Regenerated man is the visible representation of the invisible God. Therefore, to reveal God's glory man submitted to God--he is not to cover his head. His uncovered head symbolizes humility, deference, and surrender to the authority of Christ, man's invisible Head.
"Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?" Here Paul makes an appeal to the natural head. It is a shame for a man to have long hair. Even in our society, respectable, moral men do not wear long hair. A man with long hair draws attention to himself. A Christian man with short hair gives glory to God. It is important that a man consider this in his hair styling--whom does his hair glorify?
Woman--covered, with long hair. "But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered" (1 Corinthians 11:5, 6). Here the reverse is true. When a woman prays or prophesies with an uncovered head, she dishonors her head. What head? Man > Christ > God.
Eastern women have a long-standing tradition of wearing a veiling. Both men and women wore tunics and cloaks, but the veil was the distinctive female apparel. All women except those in a low condition of life, such as prostitutes and slaves, wore veils.
The mark of a prostitute was that she did not wear a veil--in order to show off her hair and attract men. With her hairdo, she advertised that she was an immoral, available woman.
Paul's use of the two words shorn and shaven makes an appeal to the standards of his day to teach the shame of being uncovered. Shorn means "to cut the hair." Apparently an immoral woman would cut and style her hair. Shaven means "to shave with a razor," which was how an immoral woman was punished in Paul's day.
Eastern or Western, immoral or not, every woman can readily identify with the shame and utter disgrace of having her hair shaved off with a razor. Paul says that a woman who uncovers her head is as shameful as being shaven. When a woman displays her hair, it dishonors her head--man > Christ > God.
In our day, the shame of cut hair has been lost. However, in this context, to cut and dress the hair identified one as immoral, which was punished by shaving the head. So when Paul says, "If the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn," he was not suggesting that either option was acceptable. He equated the shame of cut hair and the resulting punishment of being shaven, with an uncovered head.
The question being considered here was not whether to cut the hair. That was a shame; Christian women had no desire to cut their hair. The question in focus was whether to veil it. Because of their natural shame of cut hair, Paul could say that an uncovered head was as shameful as being shorn. Because of our natural shame of a shaved head, we understand that an uncovered head is as shameful as being shaven.
A woman who cuts and dresses her hair dishonors her head. The beauty of the hair is not for display. Christian women are ashamed to have cut hair. Therefore, "let her be covered."
"Woman is the glory of the man" (I Corinthians 11:7). As woman submits to man, she glorifies him. God created woman to help man fulfill God's purposes for him on earth. She enriches man with the womanly qualities his life needs. A woman's relationship with man should honor and praise him. As she takes her place in God's order with humility, meekness, chastity, modesty, and purity, she brings glory to the man.
The woman is also the glory of God when she is the glory of the man. She testifies of her submission to God's order by veiling her hair. Her veiled head is a practical reminder that she is under the authority of man, whose unveiled head testifies of his honor and submission to God. A woman in her place will receive great honor and blessing.
This chapter of the Bible does not portray woman's place as degraded or inferior. A woman filling her God-given role will be esteemed and honored. To disobey God's order and to strive for the position God has assigned to man is dishonoring to God and woman. God's way is best and will return abundant blessing.
Is the hair a covering? "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering" (1 Corinthians 11 :15). Yes, the hair is a covering. But it is not thecovering referred to in verses 4-7, where the Greek words are verbs that mean "to cover." In verse 15 we have a different word, a noun. The covering in verses 4-7 is something to be put on; the covering in verse 15 is something that is on.
Consider that if the hair is the covering, then a man would need to shave his head to be uncovered. Also we would find an impossibility in verse 6: "If the woman be not covered [her hair removed], let her also be shorn." How can she cut her hair if it has already been removed? Clearly, it is speaking of a covering to cover the hair.
Why is the hair called a covering? It is a covering! It is a covering of glory. A woman's hair is a glory that covers her head and hangs as a veil of beauty. Many women today go to great efforts to dress their hair and make it attractive to draw attention to themselves.
Man is made in the image and glory of God. Woman is the glory of man. A woman's glory is her hair. Woman is to cover her glory to give all glory to God. Man, woman's head, is visible; therefore she dishonors man as her head when she uncovers her head. To uncover her head is a display of human glory in competition with the glory that belongs to God.
This is not the only place in the Scriptures that gives the principle of covering a glory that competes with God's glory. Heavenly beings cover themselves with wings (Ezekiel 1: 11; Isaiah 6:2). It seems they covered their glory to give all glory to God. When Satan exalted himself to be as the Most High, he revealed his glory in competition with God's glory. He was cast down (Isaiah 14:12-15). Likewise, woman must cover her glory so that she does not compete with God's glory by dishonoring man as her appointed head.
The principle of modesty includes a covered head. Women who display their beauty to appeal to men draw men away from their created purpose. It appeals to their base nature and tempts them to indulge the passions of their bodies. Man does not bring honor and glory to God when he is lusting after a woman. A woman's hair does appeal, and therefore it must be kept covered, even as the rest of her body. A modest wife will keep the glory of her hair and body for her husband. Within marriage, the husband can enjoy all of his wife's body, including her hair. The husband will discover that the woman's hair is a veil of glory. The wife will be honored as she brings glory to her husband.
"Power on her head." "For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels" (1 Corinthians 11:10). A veiled woman has power on her head. Power means "privilege, freedom, delegated influence, and authority." A woman in her place, under the authority of man, has privilege, freedom, and authority, of which a woman out of her place knows nothing. There is blessing and reward in being where God wants us.
The angels are observing and noting those who are veiled and are thereby showing submission to the authority of man. The angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to the saints. They grant protection and bear witness to God of those who are submitted to His order of headship.
When should women wear the veiling? The veiling symbolizes submission to divine order. It must be worn when praying or prophesying. First Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing." Praying is expressing the need for God and supplicating Him for help in all of life. Prophesying is declaring the will and mind of God. Christian sisters are always to be submitted to divine order, they are always to be in an attitude of prayer, and they prophesy to their children and fellow sisters. Therefore, they always wear the veiling.
Submission to God's Order
Man in his place. The burden of this ordinance falls upon man. A root problem in our society is that men are not in their place. Usually women are what men want them to be. If men want objects to lust after, the women will be what men want. If men are godly, they will be examples of godliness for women. Men have the greater authority and hence the greater responsibility. Women will have little difficulty submitting to men when men take their place in God's order.
The challenge to men is, Are their women submitting to Christ in submitting to them? Are they by their life and example calling women to submit to God's commands? Are they in the line of headship, or are they out of order? When their will is broken and submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ, then their women will be in submission to Christ as they submit to men.
This is not to say that when man is out of his place, woman need not submit. She will submit unless she is required to violate truth, at which point she submits to Christ first. But even in such a situation, she will still find her place in subjection to faithful brethren in the church.
Woman in her place. Does a woman obey the command to be covered simply by keeping the formal application of it? Obviously, it must go much deeper than that. Wearing the veiling is a symbol of submission in the heart. A woman is not submissive because she wears a veiling. She wears a veiling because she is submitted to God's order.
It is mockery for a rebellious woman to wear a veiling. This does not mean that she should quit wearing a veiling, but rather, she needs to repent of her rebellion and submit with meekness and humility.
Christian women reveal submission to God's order in the following three ways.
l. In dress (l Peter 3:3, 4). The way a woman dresses reveals whether she is in God's order. Is she satisfied to cover her hair, or does she try to display it? The predominant thing on her head should be the veiling, not the hair. If her hair is pushed out seemingly begging for attention, it is not properly covered. If her heart is wrong, she can soon figure out a way to display her hair even while wearing a covering. A properly veiled woman portrays a meek and quiet spirit.
Any vain display of the body or an effort to draw attention with bright or fancy clothing and ornaments is a violation of this ordinance. From the sole of her foot to the crown of her head, she must attire herself in modest clothing that covers without drawing attention to the body.
God calls men to lead and give direction. Men have a responsibility to see to it that their women dress in a way that is becoming to a veiled woman submitted to the divine order of headship.
2. In the home (Ephesians 5:22-24). God commands wives to submit to their husbands, to be subject in everything. Certainly there is a place for discussion and sharing. A loving, godly husband will seek his wife's counsel. But finally, the command is to submit, even if something goes against her will. If she does not give up her will, she has not submitted.
The wife must not conform to her husband's will and then act hurt or spiteful. She should submit joyfully and willingly. Maybe her way is better, and maybe her husband will eventually see it, but meanwhile, she must submit.
Many details in homelife go much more smoothly when both husband and wife submit to their roles and support each other in their roles. "Husbands, love your wives." Husbands can make it difficult for their wives to submit, or they can make the burden light. It is admirable when a wife meekly submits to an unreasonable husband. But why should he make it so difficult for the one whom God commands him to love as his own body? "Love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it."
3. In the church (1 Corinthians 14:34,35; 1 Timothy 2:11, 12). God commands the woman to keep silence in the church. She is not to teach man nor to usurp authority over him. "It is a shame for women to speak in the church." "Let them ask their husbands at home." A veiled, modest sister contributes "beauty and elegance to the church.
Titus 2:3-5 teaches that women should teach each other. Notice that this passage does not instruct women to teach doctrine to each other, but to teach others how to fill the role of wife and mother in the home. A woman in her place at home will have a far greater influence in God's kingdom than she will out of her place in the church.
The men must lead out and provide leadership in the church so that the women can take their place. Many women are frustrated by the indifference of their husbands and therefore have a difficult time staying in their place. It is commendable when a faithful woman lives a godly life even if her husband does not, but how much better when the husband takes his place. It is a shame when women are forced to lead out because the men do not.
In 1 Corinthians 11: 16, Paul appeals to the Corinthians not to be contentious about this ordinance of headship. Apparently it was not an issue in the other churches. They were practicing it, and he commanded the Corinthians to do the same (1 Corinthians 4:17).
This ordinance is a command of the Lord for all who call on the Name of the Lord (1 Corinthians 1 :2). "If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 14:37). This command was not Paul's idea or only for the Corinthians, but it was a commandment of the Lord to all who call on the Name of the Lord. Most people readily accept that some of Paul's teaching in this book was of the Lord and for all who call on the Name of the Lord, such as the Communion ordinance in chapter 11, the spiritual gifts in chapter 12, love in chapter 13, and the resurrection in chapter 15. As we faithfully submit to the Word of God, the Spirit will help us to understand that the first part of chapter 11 is also a command of God.
Human wisdom does not understand this doctrine. If we feel that we need to explain it through human reasoning, we will stumble.
If you struggle with this command, humbly pray and ask God to show you His will. Take God at His Word, submit to His divine order, and experience the rich blessing of women wearing the symbol of divine order.
—Kenneth D. Witmer

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Do we believe that the Bible is the inherent Word of God?

I ask this question because it is one thing to read the Word, agree with the Word, but a whole other issue to transform that information and bring it to life in our lives.

The Scriptures proclaim of the world's wickedness, of it's sheer evil and not to resist being tempted in any way, lest we be tempted ourselves and ensnared into Satan's carefully crafted web of death. We must tread carefully by how we lives our lives in light of obedience to God and the responsibility of being a light to the darkened, lost world that surrounds us. That means we must know the Word of God, that means we must stand for our convictions regardless if no one else we know is doing it. Criticism awaits the one who stands for the Lord but we are reminded that "we are not of this world" and " not to conform to this world" but instead to be like aliens in a foreign land as we see here: "Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires which war against your soul." 1 Peter 2:11

Sometimes that means people won't understand why you do certain things that might strike them as odd or too conservative. This criticism will not only come from the unsaved but might also come from our own Christian brothers and sisters...but how will you stand, dear Christian? Will you crumble under pressure of conformity or will you stand for all that our Lord has died for?

Let me share with you an example. You believe that witchcraft is wrong. You read from the Bible that witchcraft is detestable is the Lord's sight.You've also learned from the Bible you should set your eye upon no wicked thing. You go home and watch movies with your spouse and children that practice witchcraft and laugh and enjoy it as a form of entertainment. Witchcraft, is therefore, acceptable in your home.

"Do not bring a detestable things into your house, or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction." Deuteronomy 7:25

Here's another. A father and mother learns about purity and modesty in the Bible and how that can be a stumbling block to others. Mother and father change the way they dress to become more modest. Their daughters on the other hand, enjoy wearing trendy miniskirts and shirts cut high that expose their stomachs. They give in to their daughter's desires to look immodest because they don't want to 'rock the boat' and since 'every one else doing it.'
Choose this day wo you will serve...but as for me and my household we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Our doctrine is not evidenced in what we believe, instead it is what we apply. If I truly believe that His Word is truth then we must begin to live this out in our lives. That means if I believe what God says about respecting my husband, it should reflect in my life. It means if I believe what God says about training my children, I will take that seriously and invest and sacrifice a large portion of time to raising them up in righteousness. If it says that sexual temptation is somethings that I should flee from then I shouldn't flirt with those of the opposite sex. Why do we wonder why the world views Christians as hypocrites when they do not see holiness in our lives and see us no different from themselves?

There is a verse that talks about examining our hearts at the end of the day. This is a great time to evaluate how we lived our our doctrine through the day. Does this mean we are supposed to 'have arrived' immediately in our faith? I understand that we are 'works in progress'---yes, indeed, there is so much the Lord is working on in my life alone! I am the first to admit I need strength, courage and wisdom to live out this holy life the Lord has called us to, thankfully, I don't have to do it in my own strength and I know the victory rests with Him. But, truly dear Christians, let us never make excuses for our laziness or feebleness or cowardliness in following our King. He has done too much for us to turn our backs on His righteous living just so we can live comfortably in our sin. A goal of mine is to always evaluate my doctrine in light of God's direction.

I leave you the challenge: What changes might God want you to make in your life today?

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord." Lamentations 3:40

Impact for Christ

 1 Tim 4:10-16

I was reading in Timothy and it made me do some thinking about our way of life.  The Christians that make the biggest impact for Christ match the characteristics that Paul was telling Timothy about in 1 Tim 4:12. Paul's words weren't just for the young generation,  all of
In word:  people who make a difference for Christ control what they say, avoid negative talk, and speak words that honor God.
In conduct:  people who practice discretion in their behavior shine for all the world to see.
In love: By taking heed of Jesus' words to love God and their neighbor (Matt.22:37-39) Christians please Jesus and touch people's hearts.
In faith: Those who put their faith into action change lives
In purity: It is tough to be morally pure and doctrinally sound, but those who are can set the bar for the rest of us.
All of us should be an example for our children and the rest of the world, in word, conduct, love faith and purity; that's how we make an impact for Christ.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Selfish Christianity

 Have you ever thought about it before?  What is selfish Christianity?   Could it possibly be using Christ and his promises to singly make your life easier?  How can we become unselfish Christians in a world that demands selfishness?

Dr. Charles Stanley does a great job summing it up:

John 6:22-27
Which interests you more—who Jesus is or what He can do for you? I’m afraid that too many of us are more concerned about what He can give us than we are about getting to know who He is.
But this is nothing new—Jesus had this problem when He walked on earth. The crowds often sought Him out for what He could do for them. Even though their needs were quite often legitimate, Christ knew their motives.

There is a fine line between selfishly trying to use the Lord to get what we want and humbly coming to Him with our needs and struggles. Some of the issues we bring to Him are so pressing and urgent in our minds that our desire for Him to take action in the way we want becomes greater than our willingness to submit to His will. At times, what we call “faith” is really a demanding spirit.

We must remember that our needs will come to an end, but Jesus Christ will remain forever. If our prayers have dealt only with presenting our requests to the Lord, we’ve missed a great opportunity to get to know the One with whom we’ll spend eternity. Let’s invest time in pursuing intimacy with Christ. Then we can enjoy the benefits of that relationship forever.

How much of your communion with God is devoted to your needs—even legitimate ones? Are you spending any time getting to know the Lord? Although God delights in our prayers and tells us to pray about everything, He also wants us to come to Him just because we enjoy being with Him.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I thought I would take some time to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day.   I wanted to take some time to see where it all began, and here's what I came up with:

The American version of Mother’s Day started almost 150 years ago with Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870.  famous for her war poem “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Her Mother’s Day Proclamation was intended to be a type of war poem as well, one calling all mothers to action in opposing all types of war. Her attempt to get formal recognition for a Mother’s Day of Peace failed. All was not lost, though. Julia Ward How suggested the idea of Mother's Day, but it was Miss Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948), of Philadelphia, who began a letter-writing campaign to a variety of influential people that made Mother's Day a national holiday.   Anna Jarvis, who had started organizing women throughout the Civil War to work for better sanitary conditions for both sides during what she called “Mother’s Work Days.” Her daughter, also named Anna Jarvis, would go on to carry out her mother’s work and hold the first Mother’s Day celebration in West Virginia is 1907 in the same church that her mother had taught Sunday School in. 45 states began celebrating the custom and the holiday was declared official by the states in 1912 and by the President in 1914.

In 1907 Anna persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary of her mother's death, the 2nd Sunday of May. By the next year, 1908, Mother's Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.   But the first "official" service was on May 10, 1908 in the same church, accompanied by a larger ceremony in the Wanamaker Auditorium in the Wanamaker's store on Philadelphia.  She then campaigned to establish Mother's Day first as a U.S. national holiday and then later as an international holiday.

The holiday was declared officially by the state of West Virginia in 1910, and the rest of states followed quickly.

In May, 1913, The House of Representatives unanimously adopted a resolution requesting the President, his Cabinet, members of Congress, and all officials of the federal government to wear a white carnation on Mother's Day. Congress passed another Joint Resolution May 8, 1914, designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day

 On May 8, 1914, the U.S. Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day and requesting a proclamation. On May 9, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation declaring the first national Mother's Day as a day for American citizens to show the flag in honor of those mothers whose sons had died in war.
In 1934, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt approved a stamp commemorating the holiday.
In May 2008 the U.S. House of Representatives voted twice on a resolution commemorating Mother's Day] the first one being unanimous (with 21 members not voting). The Grafton's church, where the first celebration was held, is now the International Mother's Day Shrine and is a National Historic Landmark.
 The carnation became the flower known for this day, Anna Jarvis gave 500 of them at its first celebration in 1908. Many religious services held later copied the custom of giving away carnations. This also started the custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day. The founder, Anna Jarvis, chose the carnation because it was the favorite flower of her mother  In part due to the shortage of white carnations Carnations have been used to represent Mother's Day, since Anna Jarvis delivered, and in part due to the efforts to expand the sales of more types of flowers in Mother's Day, the florists promoted wearing a red carnation if your mother was living, or a white one if she was dead; this was tirelessly promoted until it made its way into the popular observations at churches.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011



Luke 22:1-13

We’ve all experienced or witnessed betrayal at some point.  How do we feel when one close to us betrays us?   What would you do?

The best example of that in the Bible is Judas .  Chosen as one of the twelve, Judas was privileged. John 12:6 says that he was even granted the responsibility of maintaining the disciples’ money box. But that same verse reveals an important truth about Judas—he was a thief.

One of the reasons Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus is because one of the chief priests “promised to give him money” (Mark 14:10-11). Those who were threatened by Jesus wanted him out of the way. We have to be on guard for those close to us that are doing something wrong that can affect us. The Devil's messenger, is often an angel of light who looks like a minister of righteousness. People will do almost anything for money when it is their priority in life.

How did Judas become one of the 12 see the power and all these miracles and then apostatize? When someone's heart is not right and you give them power it only amplifies what is wrong, not what is right (another example is Peter with Simon the sorcerer). We are also told that Judas did not let the word cleanse him (John 13:10;15:3). He did not abide in Jesus’ teachings, instead he was enticed by the authority to do miracles given to those who followed and his love for the money prevented him from being a servant. Amazingly, Judas was among them having the same results without their suspecting he was a devil who would eventually betray their Lord. Judas a perfect example of those claiming to do miracles in Christ’s name and where Jesus turns to them saying he never knew them (Mt.7:21). Meaning he did not have a relationship (a two way correspondence of love) with the Lord. Demons were subject to him like the rest of the apostles but again as in Mt.7:21 it does not mean that if one uses his name and sees the miraculous they are saved. What proves one is saved is repentance, a continual confession of their sin and reliance on the Lords strength and the fruit of the Holy Spirit present in their life.

Jesus knew beforehand He would be betrayed and who the betrayer would be. Long before it happened, even before it entered Judas' heart to do so, Jesus called the traitor a devil, although not naming him explicitly (see Jn. 6:64,70-71). In Matthew 26:20, Jesus revealed to Judas that He knew what he intended to do. Knowing what a person will do, however, is not the same as causing him to do it. Therefore, Judas still had a choice and was not powerless in the matter.

First Peter 5:8 says the Devil is like a “roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” And in Judas, Satan found a willing victim. If we’re honest with ourselves, each of us has a natural tendency toward sin.
Daily communion with God keeps hidden sins from becoming greater problems. Left unchecked, the “roaring lion” will also come after us, no matter what our  weakness may be. Ask the Lord to reveal any sins you need to confess. Deal with them today—don’t let sin lead you down the path of Judas.

Friday, April 15, 2011

God's Leading

Hello again everyone,
          It's been some time since this has been updated.  We moved again, back to our sea side home.  It is amazing sometimes where God leads!

          Now that we have internet again, (it took some time to get hooked up again), so I do hope that I can get back to update more frequently.

Thank you again,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone,  I pray that everyone is on the road to a happy healthy start in our new year of 2011.

It seems for our family that the Lord has impressed a great desire for homesteading.  We want to be farmers again.  I do pray that this will be a possibilty for us as we move along with His leading.